Friends, friends and friends..
The thing I miss most by far, being here in Dublin, is my friends. I have a few good friends in the Bay Area, some have already fallen off the face of the earth now that I am gone. I shouldn't be surprised really, the same thing happened when I left to travel in 2002. I guess the feeling is so strange... people I was so close to suddenly I don't hear from, or it's sporadic. It makes me a little sad.. I miss them.
But recently, I've found a whole new bunch of girls. The online ones. We used to know each other from posting on our i-village websites, now we are all blogging. I read how each is doing, they read how I'm doing, there's all sorts of support for me from a place I never expected to get it. I get alot of advice, support, laughter from these ladies and unlike my wine drinking/hiking/dancing/irish bar hopping/wicca friends, they are here for me day in and day out. I feel like I'm reaching out there and these girls are reaching back and this is making me happier than I can say right now.
Thanks girls.
But recently, I've found a whole new bunch of girls. The online ones. We used to know each other from posting on our i-village websites, now we are all blogging. I read how each is doing, they read how I'm doing, there's all sorts of support for me from a place I never expected to get it. I get alot of advice, support, laughter from these ladies and unlike my wine drinking/hiking/dancing/irish bar hopping/wicca friends, they are here for me day in and day out. I feel like I'm reaching out there and these girls are reaching back and this is making me happier than I can say right now.
Thanks girls.
Sending big hugs your way. And you know what? It works both ways. The best thing is - it's unconditional and it's real. And ya can't get better than that.
E :-)
Even better? Since we're all spread so far around the world, one way or another somebody is up at most any time of the day or night.
Although I have a little chart next to the computer to remind me how many hours everyone is. You're Pacific Time +8!
And should I stop by El Grullense or someplace and send some *real* food?
:) and xoxo
thanks for letting an anonymous girl like me, to post! i love my online girlfriends. we relate so openly and unconditionally. --not that i wouldn't mind hiking and wine drinking and all that good stuff, too! ;-)
~anonymous G
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