Saturday, November 27, 2004

Post Thanksgiving Blathering

I woke up Thursday cranky (seeing a pattern, aren't you? yawn! LOL). We didn't really have any plans for Thanksgiving but had discussed heading to a restaurant doing the Thanksgiving meal... only it wasn't a 'real' T-Day meal... I just didn't want to fork out the money for something that wasn't traditional..
Martin suggested cooking it ourselves, having people over... I admit I was a pain, whinging about it being a work night for most, not the same as having the mid day meal and then conking out in front of Lawrence of Arabia on the tv! Martin pushed me out the door to the gym (knowing full well I'd be in better form after) and as I was there, I realized how really sweet he was being... trying to create a bit of home for me here in Ireland... When I returned from the gym, he had already called 6 people, they were all coming over at 8pm that night, we headed to the store for food. Although his oven was barely big enough, we managed to get everything out on the table together (he borrowed his sister's oven too, she lives a block away) within 15 minutes of everyone arriving. It was an amazing feast, I have to say. Tons of food & wine. A big turkey that turned out pretty good in the oven that I cannot work properly (even though we argued about oven temps and how long it takes to cook), stuffing that i learned to make that day from a recipe on Epicurious, potatoes (mashed and roasted, this IS Ireland after all and they LOVE their potatoes! LOL), steamed broccoli & brussel sprouts, roasted carrots and I made the gravy after talking with my mom 10 minutes on the phone. Gosh, there was a lot of food. It was fun to explain the meaning of Thanksgiving (but difficult not to go into my own views about how after all this 'thanking' we proceeded to force the indians to tiny reservations in the middle of nowhere, etc, etc) .. We couldn't find pumpkin pie for dessert but bought an apple and rhubarb tart with vanilla ice cream. Decadence, I must say. But it was really good to spend that day with friends/family - I received a call from one of my best friends in SF and I chatted with my parents twice (my dad thought i must be lonesome because I called TWICE! LOL).. It was a great day! I actually feel great today. Like my cloud has lifted... All because the boy wanted to make us a Thanksgiving dinner.


Blogger Randygirl said...

Oh how glad I am to read this post. I know it's not your first Thanksgiving away from home, so it feels a little silly to mention this, but when I was 19 I had mine, and the ex decided we should do Chinese take-out. It felt quite lonely.
Therefore I am so happy to see that M made such an effort to make it a good day for you, and that you were able to grab so many friends on short notice!

November 27, 2004 at 5:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. Perfect for lifting one's spirits.
~Anonymous G

November 27, 2004 at 5:41 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

What a great story! I'm glad that M is looking out for you and keeping you from getting homesick.

In my humble opinion, your day is just what Thanksgiving is about. :)

November 27, 2004 at 9:51 PM  
Blogger grrltraveler said...


I start tomorrow so I'll fill you as soon as I have something to mention! I can't wait. Would love to bring a few home with me!!


November 28, 2004 at 5:52 PM  

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