Sunday, November 28, 2004

Guinness gives you strength!

We don't go out too often these days. M is tired alot of the time, which only makes sense. He works his bum off and, with taxi driving in the evenings (8-1am or longer), his sleeping schedule is thrown off and he is even more tired... (here's me again wishing i could do something to bring in some income!) Anyhow, sometimes I just want to go out... I want to sit in a pub and have a couple pints and see people, have a bit of atmosphere and enjoy the buzz.

The American and Irish version of 'let's go and have a couple pints' is miles apart. For me (and I think alot of Americans), having a few pints of beer means one or two. I have no problem going to the pub, enjoying a beer and going home. To the Irish, having a couple pints really means eight or nine (according to M) so I think he's not always interested in going. He's stuck on the eight or nine while I am really thinking two, at most!

But somehow, I get him to agree to go and have a couple pints. We head up to Sean Dougherty's pub, maybe two miles from our house. There is no place like an Irish pub in my mind, not even the 'Irish-style' pubs in the US (my favourite haunts) can remotely compare. This place is gorgeous. There's about 20-30 people in and most of them are men. There's one cute young thing in a short jean skirt(no tights or pantyhose - brrr!) and fuzzy boots (after all, it's less than 30 degrees out) but other than that, it's mostly blokes. As usual, there is a huge range of ages, which is one of my favourite things about the pub. You can head out any night of the week and there will be auld ones and young lads sitting together, and not just men, women as well. Not usually young women though - seems that they are probably drawn to the trendier pubs and bars because the 20-40 yo women seem to missing from the traditional Irish pub. Better odds if you ask me but as I already have my guy, I'm out of the running!

So where was I? Oh yes, the pints. There is NOWHERE in the world that serves a Guinness like Ireland. I don't know what it is but in Ireland, the Guinness is thicker and creamier than any I've had in the States. M says it's the water. We both agree it doesn't travel well. England apparently gets the worst tasting Guinness ever, but that figures. The Irish have a serious dislike of all things English so they wouldn't be sending them their finest stout! lol

So, I head up to the bar and order two pints (I'm somewhat of a odd one here, as I drink pints. A lot of girls will order a 'glass' - more ladylike I guess.. I like a pint though.) and then I return and sit down. We watch the rugby a few minutes and I get up just as the bartender is settling my pints. It's another difference here. They actually let the pint settle halfway through, then top it up. At home, even in the Irish pubs, they'd just pour the pint out fast and hand it to you. It's not the same. Here, you have to order your second one halfway through the first, so it is 'ready' in time! lol

So sitting down and taking the first swig is heaven. The pints as Dougherty's weren't as good as I've had. If you can believe it, I can tell the difference and I don't even drink it that often. Once a month or so. But it was lovely to sit down next to my man and toast to our evening and a good pint to be had.

You really need to come out here and try it sometime. By the way, you are all welcome to. Anytime.


Blogger E in Oz said...

We do that with the Guinness here too - pour half, let it settle, pour the rest. It's really thick and takes a while.

I don't drink the stuff, but having lived with a Scottish guy and now being with an Irish guy, I'm used to slowing down my own drinking so I've not had half a dozen by the time they're half way through the first. lol

I really like the Irish pubs over regular ones. Much better atmosphere.

November 29, 2004 at 12:42 AM  
Blogger Randygirl said...

Finally I get the darn blogger to let me comment!

You be careful with those invitations or one day you'll find a tall blonde girl and her gorgeous brunette man on your doorstep.

But we'd bring California food as a bribe.

November 29, 2004 at 1:50 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Ummmm, screw the guys- I say we have a slumber party! Ok, who's braiding my hair? ;)

November 29, 2004 at 4:40 AM  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I don't know if anyone will read these comments! Just want to say that when I invite people to visit, I MEAN it!! It doesn't mean I will be showing you around everywhere, a certain amount of independence is required (and you all seem to fit that bill!) - as M always says - the key is in the hedge! Meaning, if you show up, the key is there and you are welcome... We've both traveled extensively and we like meeting people that way.. It's one reason we've thought about opening a B&B.. So, gets your tickets sorted! The room is ready! Cheers..

November 29, 2004 at 1:43 PM  
Blogger monica said...

Haha, well then, you'd better make it a members-only blog or you might end up with all sorts of weirdos on your doorstep! Hehehehehe. I, for one, happen to LOVE Guinness! It was the first beer I actually drank because I liked the taste... and one Thanksgiving, while I was cooking the meal, my then-bf (DS's dad) drank ALL MY GUINNESS!!! I was SOOOOOOO mad, I still fume about it every year! Grudges? Who, me?!?

So glad to find you... hope you don't mind my crashing into the conversation!

November 30, 2004 at 5:32 AM  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

Well, 'the hedge' is in front of our house in Dublin! If you decide to come, I'll email you the address (not post it here! sorry to anyone else who reads... LOL)

November 30, 2004 at 9:09 AM  

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