Thursday, December 02, 2004

Embarrassing Moment #5,976,432

When I was arranging to move over here, I changed all my address information to my parents house. Therefore, my parents receive my mail and help me with various things when I ask them. One of the things they have been helping me with is getting my health insurance sorted out. After almost 3 months, the provider I'm working with is finally getting the paperwork in order. Apparently, they contacted my medical center, received my medical records and are going through them as I write..

One of the things in my records lists an embarrassing thing that I contracted in college (as far as I know, I haven't had it since but I don't actually remember). Anyhow, they sent the paperwork to my parents house, asking for more detailed information and my dad emailed me for the details. He will then fill out the form and mail it back.

This particular item is a bit brutal. I of course never mentioned the episode to my parents because it was sexually related and we just don't talk about that stuff! But here I found myself having to type out the details I remembered to my DAD! omigosh! I was thoroughly redfaced although to his credit, he didn't give me a hard time about it (a first!).. LOL

Now, hopefully they won't ask about my emergency room visit after a motorcycle accident I had that my parents know NOTHING about it. Sometimes, what they don't know is really a blessing!


Blogger grrltraveler said...

Aside from that, doing great! Planning on posting my bit about the animal shelter and a few other things that have been going on. It's hard to get on and post when M is home, I like to spend my time with him.. It's the start of the weekend and his working nights, so I'll be around a bit!


December 2, 2004 at 5:04 PM  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Eeep! The things my parents don't know!

My dad's good with stuff like that though. I'd feel uncomfortable having to tell him things, but he'd react well, I think....except if I had a motorbike accident! :-p

December 3, 2004 at 12:32 AM  
Blogger monica said...

Eek. There are lots of things we still "pretend" in my family, and lots of things (I hope) they'll never find out.

December 4, 2004 at 1:42 AM  

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