Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Warning: very boring ramble about a very boring subject

I have digestive problems. Or maybe I should say, I have a problem with things going through me... (see I told you this wasn't going to be pretty). For as long as I can remember, I've had this issue. It comes and goes. I'd call it constipation but honestly, I've read enough to know that it isn't really that. Stuff just doesn't move through my system quickly. It makes me bloated at times, uncomfortable at others. I've read books. I exercise daily (certainly more than my very regular, sometimes twice a day or more, boyfriend), I drink GALLONS of water (already learned that if I don't drink water, it is much worse. again, my bf does not), I eat more fiber than M. I still have a problem with stuff passing through me.

I'm getting to a point where I'm wondering if some sort of homeopath or even acupuncturist would be a good idea. I don't really want to go to a western medicine doctor, as taking medication or even over the counter stuff isn't my thing. I want something to work. I want to eat something natural that makes it easier. I want the exercise to work. I seriously cannot drink more water than I do. I want to know what is going on.

Ok, I do drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I know it's a diuretic but it's also supposed to help.. ahem.. stimulate that process. I like coffee. Two cups certainly isn't a lot. I don't drink caffeinated beverages at any other time of day because of this 'issue' - I drink water. I drink hot water with lemon. I drink hot water with honey. I drink water with lemon and without. I carry water with me at all times because it's good for me and because I need it. I am ALWAYS peeing.

I have a feeling that something I'm eating is causing this. I read a book about people with wheat intolerances. Not celiacs (it's not that bad) but I wonder if wheat is a culprit. I don't eat much (I don't think) but I'm going to try and start being more aware of how much i do eat. and how I feel after I eat it. I don't eat dairy products too often, a little milk in my coffee and sometimes yogurt. natural plain organic yogurt. i wouldn't think that would be bad. i'm getting frustrated with this. i want to find out the cause and move on. Maybe a homeopath or someone like that could give me some solutions to this problem. I don't know.

I don't know where to start.... sigh..


Blogger grrltraveler said...


Sounds VERY familiar and I'm thinking of giving up white flour all together.. I eat a pretty hearty fiber bread in the mornings (looks like dark wheat or rye, with seeds on it) but maybe i should try bran flakes. I eat a lot of broccoli as well. i'll try the 'woody fruits' - i like that. The way you say it, sounds verrry much like the same problem i have... Ugh... I guess maybe I need to start being more diligent with watching what i eat! thanks and no, never TMI!!

February 1, 2005 at 8:36 PM  
Blogger E in Oz said...

You asked on my blog if I felt like I was missing out on stuff (words to that effect) being on Dr F-K's diet. I don't see it like that. I just see it that I've simply changed what I eat, how much, and when. I'm not dieting. There are just some things I no longer eat.

I have *started* a post on my blog, which, if you go to my archives, I've put as my very first post, and it's going to end up being pretty much everything I've done/am doing with regards to eating etc. I've listed the meats and vegetables that I am eating, but I haven't finished putting down other carbs, but I'll get around to it soon. What I also haven't explained yet is that I eat 4-6 points of protein a day (sometimes that's hard!) and up to 16-18 points of carbs, preferably less.

I also don't eat any bread, pasta, potato, cake, or anything really with starch in it. As Dr F-k says, the cavemen didn't come home to pasta, they ate meat. LOL

Even going out, I try to substitute vegies for chips where I can, and things like that. One restaurant served chicken breast on pasta. I just asked if they'd replace the pasta with spinach and they did - and gave me a bowl of salad as well. So it's not as restricting as it'd first appear.

As for the problem you're having, there's a condition called Irritable Bowel Syndrome and my girlfriend had almost the exact symptoms you're describing. If you don't want to see a regular doc, perhaps something naturopathic or homeopathic might help?

(end of ramble)

February 2, 2005 at 2:38 AM  
Blogger monica said...

I think IBS is also called Crone's Syndrome these days. You might want to ask R about it.

But like Sal, I've found fiber to be the thing that helps me most. If you don't like prunes or that stuff you put in your drinks, then there are also health food snack bars with fiber in them.

February 2, 2005 at 8:39 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

hubby and I were talking about this last night, because his dad brought up the fact that he'd always had that problem. Hubby and I don't (hiding in a corner) and I'm soooooo glad!

I've heard it's very uncomfortable, but I don't have any good advice for you.


February 2, 2005 at 2:47 PM  
Blogger Randygirl said...

Just to clear it up...IBS and Crohn's are not the same. IBS is a very common (especially for women) syndrome based on our lifestyles and eating habits. It can either be IBS with constipation or IBS with diarrhea. Changes in diet, activity, and mild medication will clear it right up. Often, a change in dealing with stress or other emotional aspects of life will mean the patient will never have another IBS problem.
Crohn's (and it's sister, Ulcerative Colitis) is a totally different illness. It's chronic, which means we're born with it, we'll always have it, and we'll die with it. It can affect any part of the intestinal tract, from the peri-rectal area to the mouth. It causes abscesses, fistulas, intestinal ruptures, obstructions, ulcers, bleeding, inability to absorb nutrients from food, inability to process what's eaten, and many other things. The most common daily symptoms (when not having an episode) are pain, cramping, bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, fatigue, etc. Many patients spend large portions of our life on tube-feeding (nothing by mouth), many have to get a colostomy bag, many spend the majority of our lives on strong medications. I've been undergoing chemo (at low doses) for 6 years, and am starting to get reduced kidney function from the combination of medications.
I don't type this up to belittle a situation that sounds like it seriously sucks. Just wanted to get a tiny bit of the information out there. It very easily could be IBS, in which case a few small changes and you should find yourself much happier.

February 3, 2005 at 2:48 AM  

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