Sunday, January 23, 2005

Something I was thinking about...

Seems I'm always thinking about my posts when I try to go to bed at night.. What ends up happening is that it keeps me awake, writing out the post in my head, and I lay there for a long time without falling asleep. Another place I think about what I'm going to blog about is in the car, when I'm driving to the gym, or yoga. I never remember what I was going to say by the time I get home, however. LOL

Tonight I decided to get up and blog. I was thinking of something M said to me, something that he says often and I'm always curious about my response. He said, 'you know you are the best thing that's ever happened to me.' I always say thanks but I always tend to go off and think about it, overanalyze it you might say, the 'old A' I like to call it.

The 'old A' thought too much about everything, how each comment reflected something about her, whatever. I don't do this too often and I certainly didn't do this when he made this comment. I guess I've dated enough guys in my time that have used lines like this. (it may or may not have been a line, i'm sure he probably believes this to be true, i'm not trying to judge him.. :)) My experience tells me that this has never before been an accurate statement, or maybe it is true. AT THAT MOMENT, I was the best thing that ever happened to that person.. I don't know.

What I DO know, is that I probably would never say that to anyone. I don't think a person should be the best thing to ever happen to someone. Sure, the love of your life is a wonderful thing and that person may make us immensely happy.. I'm not going to tell other people what they should think but FOR ME, I just never have felt these words want to pass my lips. (well, maybe they did when I was young, I don't remember that either!)

The best thing that has happened in my life was saying goodbye to the 'old A'. It was more about me than somebody else. I hope that doesn't make me egotistical or selfish or callous. It was learning that A is a person to be reckoned with, that I matter, that people should give a shit about whether they hurt me or treat me poorly. It was realizing that I was smarter than i ever gave myself credit for, that I was more capable than I ever thought, that I was BRAVE even, for traveling the world on my own - wait, not even 'traveling' but just leaving home to travel on my own, full stop. Most people wouldn't do that. It wasn't until after I traveled and came home that I gave myself credit for any of these things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect. I hope this post didn't sound like I am full of myself but I AM so I guess it's okay. I know you girls will still like me because you are all smart, capable women as well. Who've learned your lessons as well and know who YOU are. So, I know.. it's a weird thing to post about but it was on my mind. I'm not even sure if it made any sense.... LOL



Blogger RisibleGirl said...

That was a beautiful post A...

I'm 100% with you on that one, down to even the *I* am the best thing that ever happened to me. I have also never said that to anyone, even hubby.

You are so smart to understand that discovering who you are and what your values are, are the best thing to happen to you.

Indeed. I *LOVED* this post.


January 23, 2005 at 6:05 PM  
Blogger Randygirl said...

How many times has one of the 6 of us posted on the board that one of the girls needs to know who she is and what she wants before she can truly be in a solid relationship? How many times has not having belief in herself caused one of those girls to accept what she shouldn't?

All of what you have to say has merit, and I think we all are with you on this one.

'Twas a very good post.

January 23, 2005 at 9:05 PM  

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