Tuesday, January 25, 2005


...some time alone. M decided to go to the other house to do some work. He'll be gone until Thursday. I hope it doesn't sound awful, but I'm glad he's getting out for a bit. I get some chill time in the house, on the computer, some much needed time alone. When he's here, he's in the house ALL day. He works in our office most of the day but he's never gone. He's stopped driving the taxi, so he doesn't go out in the evenings. (Ok, that I don't mind so much. I love having him home on Thurs, Fri and Sat nights, I have to say) Unless I suggest a walk or hike, he doesn't go on his own. He rarely leaves on his own, rarely goes out for pints/lunch with friends, although i suggest it.

I go to the gym most days (that's two hours out of the house) and yoga twice a week (that's also about 2 hours away when you include the class and driving out to it). I go to the supermarket, to the library, to the animal shelter. Not every day but I DO get out. That isn't really time alone to me, since I'm with other people. I'm 'doing' not 'being'. There's something about enjoying your place alone. ahh.. I DO like it.

I'm ALWAYS glad when he comes home. I've missed him, his presence, his hugs, his smile. I don't really want him to be gone three days (although he gets more done in the house there when he stays overnight) but since that's the only time he leaves the house, it's a nice respite. I usually think of something fun to make for dinner when he comes home, knowing he's usually chilled to the bone, since the heat is off in that house. I always welcome him home.

But I live for this space... I don't usually call anyone or make plans either. I just enjoy. I chat online with my friends in the evenings, I get my email responded to, I check the other blogs, the LDR site. It's a beautiful thing.

I may even blog each day! Maybe even twice a day!


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