Saturday, August 06, 2005

Off they go!

Saturday afternoon.. hmm, scratch that... early evening, it appears. I dropped my visitors at the airport this morning after nine days of a whirlwind. Out of the 3, only one I knew well enough to spend a week with in a car. I should have remembered my feeling about traveling with people I don't know (don't do it). Even with people I know, I'd have to be *very* careful about spending 24/7 with in a traveling kind of way. Fortunately my friend B is a good fit. We travel well together. I know we'd travel even better if I was feeling fit, exercising and energetic.

The other two ladies are sisters and not close ones at that. The older one I know through B and have been to her house in E1 Cerrito a few times for dinner. She's kind of unusual in her own way. Her sister is younger, 7 years so, they didn't really 'grow up' together since R was so much older. They are very different, one being fairly independent and the other not so, at all. R would constantly comment on how J needed to be more independent but then would treat her like a child. J obviously never did anything for herself because she didn't have to.. Anyhow, I liked them both for different reasons but would never travel with either again. I don't know what I was thinking in the first place.... although obviously, I wasn't.

Still, it wasn't *too* bad. I've learnt my lesson.

My friend B is Chinese. Born in HK but reared from the age of two in Chinat0wn in SF. She makes a mean authentic chinese dinner. In thanks for our hospitality, she hosted a chinese dinner for 16 of our friends and relatives. It was kind of an engagement party. It was Thursday night and she literally spent the whole day creating her masterpiece. The two others went into town for touring and M and I alternatively helped her and ran around like crazy trying to get in alcohol and get my signature notarized on escrow papers. It was craziness. But it was phenomenal... homemade eggrolls, sweet and sour spareribs, chow mein with veggies, fried rice with chinese sausage, etc, and baby bak choy and shitake mushrooms. Delightful, I must say. Drink was plentiful, food was plentiful and no one left til about 1am, on a school night no less! lol

So they all hopped on their flights home this morning and M and I started cleaning. He worked on the shed and I worked on our bedroom, packing some clothes I won't wear, getting papers together and cleaning out the desk so we can throw it out. We took a big pile to the dump this afternoon and feel considerably better about things. It's really been about 10 weeks since we've had a 'normal' life - exercising & eating right were out the window, so it's time to get back in fighting shape!

That's all for now.


Blogger Joe said...

Hmm....there goes my plan to ask you and M to travel with me. :)

August 8, 2005 at 2:08 PM  
Blogger monica said...

holy cow... cooked dinner for 16? awesome!!!

glad to have you back!

August 8, 2005 at 10:11 PM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

You're making me tired! ;)

So, when is the big move?

August 9, 2005 at 3:30 AM  

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