Sunday, June 05, 2005

Book tag thingy

My friend left here today, so I can finish the 3 posts sitting in draft finally. We had a great time but I'm behind and just now catching up with everyone's posts.


The instructions are very simple, answer the 4 questions and tag 5 new
people on your blog. That's it - enjoy!

1. Total number of books I've owned: I've owned books at various times in my life but certainly not many... maybe at the height of it, a few hundred. But I've moved and travelled and saved money to travel so I've started checking books out from the library again. Currently, boxed up in Oceanside, I probably have 100 books.

2. The last book I bought: I haven't purchased a book in over 2 years. Or more. Maybe The Four Agreements? by Don Miguel Ruiz

3. The Last Book I read: The Forest People. by Colin Turnbull. My dad left it here when he was visiting and because he told me to read 'The Catcher in the Rye' ages ago and I loved it, I thought I'd give it a go. It's about him living with the Pygmies in the Belgian Congo back in the 50s. It was quite good.

4. 5 books that mean something to me: (been thinking on this a few days, not really in order)
a. Altas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. (it's a favorite but not because I necessarily believed in her theories, just a good story on a number of levels)
b. Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
c. The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
d. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
e. The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger

I know there are probably others but without having them in front of me, I'm not that good at remembering. These are the ones that I've read time and again. If you'd said Favorite Authors, I could've answered that one so much easier!!

5. Tag 5 people and request they fill this out on their journals: I don't think I know 5 people that read my blog. And since I received this from one person that does, that leaves one less. LOL I think I can tag Joe.


Blogger E in Oz said...

OMG! You just reminded me that R tagged me to do this...must go find that comment and do it myself! Eeeep!

June 5, 2005 at 11:56 PM  
Blogger Randygirl said...

Hahahaha (at E)

Thank you! I think that by seeing what people read (or don't read) you learn a lot about them as people.

xo...(you hear about the landslide in Laguna Beach? 21 houses down, some for the second time. One of them I guess is almost at the California Trifecta: Fire/Earthquake/Landslide. They've had two of those so far)

June 6, 2005 at 8:51 PM  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I love getting suggestions for books because I seem to find an author, read everything they have and then am stumped to find anything else. I enjoy hearing what you read because it gives me ideas!

Heard about the landslide... gorgeous spot but i'm not sure I'd wanna live there with that possibility. How could they possibly get home insurance?? ;)


June 6, 2005 at 9:57 PM  

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