Monday, December 20, 2004

Public service announcements in Ireland

Another thing that I've found interesting is their graphic advertisements for drink driving or smoking. Or even texting. The texting one is great. Well, not great but just the fact that there's an advertisement about texting is great.

There's a young girl and boy. Each are walking separately with their friends, texting each other about where they are going to meet after school. In the background, this sappy song 'I'm gonna walk you home' or something like that is playing. There's lots of laughter, each group of friends is laughing, you see the boy see the girl across the street, as he's texting her, he steps off the curb, he looks up and smiles and a truck plows into him, right in front of his girlfriend. It's an advert for...hmm.. i couldn't tell you. Maybe it's paying attention while you text? To be honest, I can't remember.

Another one, shows a small boy playing soccer in his front yard. He's kicking a ball into the net. Switches over to an older boy - 19 or so - playing soccer with his friends, then going out for a pint or two and having a laugh. He seems like a good guy, nice looking, having a bit of craic (as they say, aka fun). Back to the kid playing soccer in his front yard. same cheery, innocuous music in the background. You see the teenager get in his car, he's driving along a country road, singing to the song, he hits the curb and then another car and his car turns over into the little boys yard. You don't actually see the little boy get hit but you see a flower on the screen get it's flower cut off abruptly, as if referring to the little boy being 'cut down'. Then the dad runs out to the little boy, lying dead in the yard and the teenager gets out of the car. It has something to do with the shame of drink driving. It's so in-your-face. I don't know if they work but I know I'm always taken aback by them.

I'll leave it at that. Two is enough for one day, isn't it?


Blogger E in Oz said...

They started making really graphic ads here a while ago. Motorbike accidents, drink driving, speeding and yeah, texting too, but ours is a girl who was waiting for a text from her bf, as she's driving along, she gets it, goes to read it as she's driving and hits a toddler who steps out in front of her. They've actually tried to make them as life-like as possible and some are pretty hard to watch - like head ons with trucks n stuff, but I guess if they get the message across, that's the main thing. ...but ya can't see Janet Jackson's cleavage on

Oh, and you get a lift here too! hehe.

December 21, 2004 at 12:30 AM  
Blogger monica said...

OMG! Maybe I live under a rock or something, but that just seems so... shocking... but then I suppose there are some people who wouldn't "get it" without being schwacked in the head with a 2x4.

December 22, 2004 at 10:30 AM  

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