Friday, December 10, 2004

Arriving at equilibrium

Another day has passed and I'm feeling better. We got our Cmas tree today so by the end of the weekend, we should be all decorated! It feels good. I like it.

I moved myself and my unfinished Cmas cards into the kitchen. I sat at the dining room table, put on some music and cranked out all the remainder of my cards. I WAS working in front of the tv before. I'd get 2 cards done and I'd start watching 'Homes Under the Hammer' about people buying homes to renovate at auction and that would be it for me. Of course, they will all be late since I guess I was supposed to have them mailed out LAST week to be on time but such is life! I finished and I'm happy with that.

Today I went to the supermarket. I got to the store, drove around the parking lot, couldn't find a spot to park (and didn't see anyone leaving) so I drove to a different store that was also packed. So, I just drove home. I'd do this in the Bay Area as well. I just, for some reason, don't like to drive around waiting for parking at the mall or anywhere. I don't know... maybe its enclosed spaces or too much traffic or feeling claustrophobic... But I returned home without food and I got a 'look'. I explained what I did and then I got a frustrated sigh, like I'd done something beyond explanation, something that was 'not me'. I was surprised, as I know I can be like this. We had a long discussion and I explained where I was at - alot of what I mentioned here the other day... I hope I was clear and didn't blame him, as it certainly isn't his fault.. I think it went well. (But I still don't think he understands my driving around the parking lot and driving home but OH WELL. LOL)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I do that. I thought it was just a thing I have with parking lots, but I do it IN the stores as well. I won't drive around for ages, I'll just move on to the next store. If I have to do it twice, I'm outta there and that's me done for the day. Two stores and I'm the same. If what I need is not in the store, I'm not gonna go on a hunting expedition for it.

Currently, I'm trying to get over my parking lot differences with C. He has to park right at the very front, closest to the stores and he'll park in between cars - and he'll drive around and wait. Me, I have to be further away from the stores and nowhere near cars - only on one side if I HAVE to. I was driving his car yesterday and he pointed to a spot next to another car and right near the store entrance. It took all my effort to park there lol, but I didn't want to explain my parking issues.

I'm glad your conversation with M went well...even if he doesn't get your parking issues. hehe

December 13, 2004 at 12:59 AM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

Ha, last time hubby gave me "the look", I said, "don't YOU give me the look", then cried.

Ummm, you handled much more maturely than I did. ;)

I also am willing to bet I don't get "the look" again. ha ha.

December 13, 2004 at 3:17 AM  
Blogger E in Oz said...

Doh! Anon was me! :-p

December 13, 2004 at 8:21 AM  

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