Tuesday, January 04, 2005

A new day, a fresh outlook

I had to giggle after reading R's post. Of course what she says is accurate - there isn't much interrelation between having dogs and having kids and a few days after the feeling was written here, I've already forgotten about it all. Yes, I'm hard on myself. It's not new and I'm sure that theme will come up again in all future bloggings! LOL Thanks to you all for your wise words and hugs.

Today feels good. I got a lot accomplished, including applying for a job with the U.S. Embassy. I received an email back asking if I had a work permit. Funny, I thought that I couldn't get a work permit until I got the job offer.... so that job has gone by the wayside. What I DID find out is that my field is highly needed here and I could get a work permit in the States to make it easier to find work here. I didn't know this. Apparently I was looking at the wrong websites. Doh! Anyhow, the problem is that I have to be IN the U.S. to apply for this permit. Hm. I sent a few emails to the Irish embassy in SF and Chicago, asking for clarification. I'll keep you posted. If I do things right, I could fix it up when I go home in February and come back here to work. If it doesn't work, I may be stuck entertaining myself in other ways for the next six months- volunteering, gymrat, etc.

So, I spent today making a grocery run, cleaning the house (the floors needed a serious mopping), putting away Cmas decorations, buying some vitamins. I went for a walk at the park nearby - it started raining while I was walking (but I was prepared) and the rain blew over shortly and there was the best sunset!! It was gorgeous and I couldn't help but smiling. Of course, I was smiling the whole time anyway, I usually do when I'm out walking. I love being outside and I love the fact that the sun was shining.

Today I decided to take a 'survey'. I smiled at EVERY single person who passed me. (I didn't say hi today, I thought I'd see what came up). Out of 100 people I passed, I received one genuine freaking happy smile, 3 moderately happy-do-i-know-this-girl-or-something smiles, and 96 grimaces or face-down-i-must-not-look-at-this-person. Not one said hi. I'm not surprised. People here don't seem happy to me. I always thought Silicon Valley's were unfriendly but these people rank above that in the sourpuss category. Now, granted, I don't know what's going on in their lives. Maybe all 96 people had a bad day and didn't want to smile. Maybe ALL 96 were still hungover from last weekend. It's just an observation from this girl. If you were anything like me, you'd have this idea that the irish are the friendliest people in the world. But I'm challenging that notion. And they'd come up a bit short. And don't tell me it's SAD, the weather has been pretty darn nice, considering.

Okay, that's my gripe for the day! LOL I promise sunshine and light tomorrow. LOL


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just popping in for a (((hug))), grrl.
i've been reading, but not feeling i have much to offer you right now.
i'm with you on your ups and downs. just so ya know...
~Anonymous G

January 5, 2005 at 1:29 AM  
Blogger Randygirl said...

I'd have smiled at you!
As a matter of fact, let me do so now...
~ :)
and a different view...



January 6, 2005 at 1:34 AM  
Blogger monica said...

Could be worse. At least they didn't look back at you like, "holy cow, there's this hot chick who wants to screw me so bad she's grinning!" Hee hee.

:) Hey, no obligation for sunshine and light. We like seeing what you have to say.

January 6, 2005 at 6:44 AM  

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