Friday, December 24, 2004

We have a little houseguest

M always asks when I am bringing a puppy home for a few days. I told him I probably couldn't do it, as they probably want the dogs to be available for adoption. But I was talking to one of the girls at the DSPCA and she told me about a little one who might need a little foster care over the holidays.

Lucy (we've named her, since she does not have a name) is a young springer spaniel (I'll take her photo and post it later) with a little metal rod in her backleg. I guess they picked her up after being hit by a car and shattering her leg. She'd been mostly in isolation but had just moved into the kennels last week or so. Since the DSPCA is closed over Christmas, we brought her home yesterday. She's lovely and is settling in nicely.

It's been fun to see her getting progressively more comfortable here, moving from room to room now, hopping up on the couch to watch tv with me. M's had dogs more recently than I and he's a big softie. He already doesn't want to let her go back.

I was joking this morning because he heard her in the middle of the night whimpering and went downstairs to let her out (I didn't even know but he got up, which woke me up), about us having kids and him being the one to get up in the middle of the night because I'll be fast asleep. I'm sure my ability to sleep soundly will disappear if we ever have children, won't it?

Anyhow, I'll keep you all posted on what happens. We are heading over to M's parents house tomorrow for Cmas dinner and gifts. Pretty mellow, really. Just the way I like things.

Happy holidays to you all. Be safe and happy this day - you are all in my thoughts and prayers.


Blogger RisibleGirl said...

How fun! A puppy in the house. Sigh... I miss having dogs.

I hope you and M have a wonderful holiday with the family.

(and yes, you will be a much lighter sleeper when kiddies come along... trust me. )


December 24, 2004 at 9:59 PM  
Blogger monica said...

My dad's puppy is also named Lucy. She is a BEAST!!! Oh my goodness, that little girl is built like a brute and she is STUUUUUUB-BORN! Our Lucy is a Brittany and already outweighs Maile, our 5 year old Brit. Lucy runs full blast into people's legs and seems to giggle as she bowls them over! Fits in quite well with the rest of the fiesty young ladies in the family! ;)

Hope you and yours are enjoying the holidays!

January 2, 2005 at 9:14 AM  

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