Monday, February 07, 2005

Monday, Monday... so good to me...

Hi there. Good weekend it was. Very low-key and restful. So much so, I can't remember what we did. LOL

Saturday morning dawned gorgeously sunny. We actually got our rears in gear and walked to the mile or so to Marley Park. They had a farmer's market (tiny one, 6 stalls or so) and wandered around looking at the fancy goat cheeses (yum), the lovely homemade breads, the olives and sun dried tomatoes, the artwork. I looked for a long time at one artists work - I loved the colors and depth. He had some really gorgeous pieces. The cheapest was a small piece - 5x5 inches - €125. No frame. I know there's a theory behind art, that people think they need to spend money on it so they are getting something quality... It was a little above my threshold for quality. I might have splurged if it was €60, at least THAT day, I might've... but that wasn't what he was offering it for! Still.... beautiful work.

We walked the long way around the park, enjoying the sunshine of the day, then back to the house. It was a great time. That night we dolled up and went out for dinner. To a place we'd been before and liked. Unfortunately, it was disappointing this time. The service, the 'spicy' chicken wings weren't really spicy (didn't stop us from eating them), my lamb burger wasn't anything to write home about. The wine was nice though. And of course, the company was stellar.. :)

Yesterday couldn't have been a lazier day. We read the paper and magazines. It rained and was dreary all day, so this was the perfect thing to do. We both felt suitably lazy and fat, because we ate a bit of junk all day, since neither of us were in the mood to cook or prepare anything that required time. It was another lovely day. I feel spoiled with all these great hours we get together.

Today I had my acupuncture appointment. The guy is a friend of M's friend. He is a little odd but only in the way he probably takes awhile to warm up to you. He took my pulse and looked at my tongue, after I told him what I was interested in. He told me that it was no wonder my digestive system is sluggish, he could tell from my tongue (!) that I have some problems with my lower back/kidney function, that I'm very tired and have been for a long time (progressively worsening tiredness), and that I have a little strain/stress in my life. That maybe I haven't been sleeping so well. And definitely not resting well. Allowing my body to recover. (He explained what he saw on my tongue that made him think this.) So.. we are going to work on getting that back into balance a bit. I had a few needles. It was the weirdest sensation. At first, I felt nothing. Then it felt like I'd had too much caffeine on an empty stomach... kind of rushing sensation. Then I felt really relaxed and started to fall asleep! He gave me a few herbs and we are meeting up after I come back from my trip to start a more intensive treatment. (It should be interesting. I'm kind of on the cusp of believing that this works - I'm sure it does as many people swear by it and use it all the time - it's just the whole thing about being different than we were brought up. It's a slow working process, unlike western medicine which seems to solve many of our problems overnight, so it tends to make you think maybe it's not working... but I'm going to stick it out and see what happens.

I've been reading alot online, at bookstores, at the library, as far as eating habits and water drinking habits as well. I've started drinking a couple glasses of water first thing in the morning, stopping drinking anything during eating, and waiting awhile to drink water after some digestion has taken place. I've read that drinking water during a meal, cuts down the digestive enzymes that are produced to digest! So, in order for my body to do the work, I've been cutting back . But still drinking a lot the rest of the time. It's actually made a bit of difference.

So, that was my weekend in a nutshell. I hope you all had great weekends as well!!

(a note to myself, I'm going to write about my dad and our relationship one of these days.)


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