Thursday, March 17, 2005

St Patricks Day

And we thought it was just an American drunk fest... NO! It's an Irish one too... The Irish actually get the whole day off today to drink... em.. I mean celebrate St Patrick and his ridding of the snakes in Ireland (or something like that).

Last night we went to a play with some friend's of M's. It was called 'The Home Place' and was set in the late 1800's. Here's the story.. It was really good. M hadn't ever been to a play before (heathen!) and he loved it. I think we'll do it again, occasionally. Afterwards we went out for drinks and ended up at The Clarence Hotel which is part-owned by Bono. It was a nice bar and atmosphere where they had froo-froo drinks and good alcohol. Expensive but we were able to sit down... a big bonus from the looks of things last night.

When we left the bar, we walked through Temple Bar, which is a place loaded with pubs, bars, clubs, restaurants etc. There were people all over the streets (it was only 1am after all!) and still a lot of partying happening.. Something I find interesting is how many seriously drunk people you see there all in one place. I mean, they have that cross-eyed, glazed over look that says no one is home.. if you know what I mean. People falling in the streets, staggering along the sidewalks, kids really (the drinking age is about 16 here), it's unlike anything I've seen anywhere else. I mean, people get drunk in the Bay Area too, I just never saw it like I see it here each time we are out on a 'party night'. Kind of scary really. It's no wonder they've recently opened the Women's Crisis Clinic on Sunday mornings early, so all the girls who got too drunk to use a condom the night before can have access to the 'morning after' pill! Pretty sad, but true..

Anyhow, one of the things I *love* about Dublin is the ability to get home from a drunken night without driving. They make it sooo easy. Besides taking a taxi, they have a service called the Nitelink, which is a bus that leaves every 20 minutes from the center of town, for €4 takes us to our front door pretty much. It runs from midnight til 4:30 in the morning and it's fantastic. I guess that's the nice thing about living in a small city..

That's all for now. Off to figure out how to upload more photos for your viewing pleasure... ;)


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