Monday, August 22, 2005

The funniest show I've seen

Typically, I hate reality shows. Hate is such a strong word but it's strictly true in this case. Crap with a capital C. They seem to love 'em here in the UK. I can't seem to avoid shows like Pop1dol, XFact0r, Amer1can 1dol, Celebr1ty L0ve 1sland... god. It's endless. But yesterday we were flipping through the channels and something drew our eye. It was a show called My B1g Fat 0bn0xi0us B0ss or something like this. It's filmed in Ch1cag0, I don't know when it came out in the States... probably last year since we are always a season off here. Anyhow, it was absolutely hilarious!

For those that don't know the premise, it's like The Apprent1ce meets.. well, I don't know what it meets.. if you lived here I'd say The Apprent1ce meets L1ttle Br1tain or something but nobody know what that is.. or the 0ff1ce. More people know that show. These contestants are supposedly seriously pursuing a career with this D0nald Tru^p sort of character, only this guy is an actor (well, aren't they all?) and he's making all this sh1t up for them to do. It's totally a joke. Only none of the contestants appear to know it. He kicked the first guy off because he didn't like his suit and watch. He just seems to make it up as he goes along, then he gives them these ridiculous tasks... we couldn't stop laughing.

By the way, workouts are going well. Eating seems to be a bit harder - it's easy when I'm at home and I can control it. We went to M's sister's house for dinner one night and his parents for tea the next. I just took small portions so as not to offend but it's hard. These irish mammies are known for pushing you to eat! Ok, not different than my mom but there you go. lol I've decided not to weigh in until a month gone by, mostly because I know it'll change a bit with the water loss, then the muscle gain/fat loss thing. I don't want to get disappointed so currently I'm using my clothes and the way I feel to judge. I feel better and that's the important part. Still got a long way to go though - hoping to lose at least 20 pounds. It's going to take about a year, I'd say! lol
Actually, it's not that funny. It probably will. I'm prepared.


Blogger Joe said...

Hey A!

I'm with you on the reality show thing. Too many of them these days and all pretty horrible. I watched the first episode of My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss last year, but never went back to it.

Keep up the good work on the exercise thing!

August 22, 2005 at 2:34 PM  
Blogger RisibleGirl said...

I haven't seen that show, buy my sis has told me in the past that she thought it was very funny.

good work on the exercise. Maybe I'll get motivated by watching your success!

August 22, 2005 at 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did it--I finally got a blog! And I've got to say I'm with you on the weight thing... I didn't realize how spoiled I was going to school on a huge walking campus. I probably walked at least 2 miles a day, and adding on the work outs in the evening I was burning about 100x's more calories than I am nowadays. It's time to get off my butt and get back to that girl I was a year ago--she's in there somewhere :)

August 24, 2005 at 1:11 AM  

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