Thursday, August 25, 2005

In this day and age...

There's been this story on the news today. It's on $kyNews which is a UK tv station. It's about a kid who was murdered as he was walking his girlfriend to the bus, or something like that. The guys who killed him did it because he was black. Wha-a-a? And it wasn't pretty, they killed him with an axe to the head. I have seen this story the past few weeks, his funeral was today. I just.don' Again, I'm wondering how on earth ANYONE can hate anyone so much that they would do something like that. It shocks and saddens me.

It's just one of many things that confuses me about our society.


Blogger Randygirl said...

B and I have talked about this sort of thing so many times... I was raised in a house that got me to the age of about 8 before I realized that kids weren't just born different colours randomly. Races, ethnicities, religions, they weren't a division between people in our little world.

I hear some of the stories from B's life, things he's dealt with, insults and confrontations and threats to his life, for such a simple thing that is not in his control... makes me ill.

August 25, 2005 at 6:04 PM  
Blogger grrltraveler said...

I remember talking a little bit about that when you were at our house and again, it boggled my mind!

August 25, 2005 at 8:40 PM  
Blogger monica said...

Sometimes people mistakenly think they aren't overtly racist (etc) because they aren't openly hostile toward those who are "different."

But I can't believe in this day and age there are people who are so deluded as to not even attempt to hide their simplemindedness.

August 26, 2005 at 4:05 AM  
Blogger Anonymous G said...

stories like this appear in the news far too often. D and i have discussed this, too. it makes me feel sick deep down inside. D usually comes off disappointed and angry with the human race. it's one of the few things that cuts into his optimistic outlook on life.
it really does make you pause and wonder.. how is it that some people possess such hatred and cruelty?

August 26, 2005 at 4:54 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Unfortunately, there have recently been a few incidents like that here in NY. It's tragic and just goes to show how far we still have to progress as a society.

August 29, 2005 at 2:40 PM  

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