Wednesday, April 27, 2005

So much to say....

I'll start with a short post though and there may be a few different topics in a few different posts before I'm through. A lot happening here.

We put my parents on the plane today. I think they had a good time. We worked hard to try and make sure they did! M is great about this, he's always thinking about people and what they'd like - he's a great host.. much better than I. Of course, they are my parents so maybe I don't think about 'hosting' them since they don't really 'host' me when I'm home. I mean, they are family. It's different.

It'll be a little while before I get photos posted. I have to get my laptop up to speed, all the necessary software loaded and all My Favorites switched over. I'm missing a few blogs and some banking links, Photobucket, etc. I've tried to stay offline while my parents were visiting, although my dad took over one computer and M, the other, so I wouldn't have really had a chance anyway!

Last week was Scotland, we started in Edinburgh, which is stunning. I know you'll love it once I get the photos loaded. It's much prettier than Dublin - since it sits on a bay (the Firth of F0rth, that name makes me laugh!) and the hills climb out of the bay much steeper than Dublin climbs out of the bay. If that makes any sense. Anyhow, my dad drove the car for the week and it frightened the heck out of me. There were a few times I was almost in his lap as he drove off the road or moved away from the center line and towards a car in the next lane. On top of that, he couldn't seem to find the gears on the car and we would coast into a roundabout in front of traffic, while he was shifting frantically trying to a find a lower gear with some power to propel us forward. Frightening, I tell you. (Makes me wonder what he's doing to my car back home!)

We ended up spending the week touring Scotland instead of going to Wales. We drove north, the lovely part of Scotland, around Loch Ness and all the hundreds of other lochs and mountains and sheep up there. We saw a million sheep, more than Ireland, honked at the lambs and scared the crap out of them (my dad, sigh...), ate in cute pubs and small villages, drank pints and plenty of wine. It was a good time, regardless of the many times I felt frustrated with my dad (he was driving, I was map reading, you can imagine..). I was constantly torn between thinking what a great experience this was, spending so much quality time with my parents, and being frustrated with my dad. I know, I know... it's because we are so much alike... and i shutter to think so. LOL Well, SOME things I don't mind because he has a lot of great qualities while others.... not so great.

I love seeing M talking to him though - he doesn't have the attachment I have so he is able to dish it out exactly as my dad does. They flip each other shit constantly and it makes me laugh. M is sooo good at it. I really AM too sensitive, it hasn't changed in donkeys years although I AM getting better. I would love to think that some day I will be able to roll with it like M does. (is it possible? LOL)

But I digress... the trip to Scotland was lovely, I have some great B&Bs to suggest if you are ever going there. They aren't cheap but they are lovely. That's all for now. More later...


Blogger Randygirl said...

She's back! She's back! hehehe

Ooooh does it ever sound like a great time! I'm so envious of ya right now, you know?

I have to say, I'm so glad for you that your parents would come for the visit and enjoy you and M so much. My ex's parents wouldn't even make the 800 mile trip to see him when we lived out of state. I'm glad that you could grab them and hug them and laugh with them and all the things you miss when you haven't seen people for awhile.

Can't wait to see the pictures! I'll stop rambling now, or I'll end up longer than your post! ;)

Glad to see you again, and thx for all the comments, kicked me outta my 'woeisme' HUGS!

April 28, 2005 at 3:14 AM  

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