Friday, April 29, 2005

A bee in his bonnet...

Geez, early this week we are talking of *fiance VISAs and now we've moved into calling realtors in to look at the house and see what we need to do to make it viable to sell. Someone's got a bee in his bonnet and I'm not complaining. Truly, I'm just surprised. And ecstatic.

We're holding off inviting people to stay now, as we don't want to be beholden to someone's visit to the area. My friend coming in late July is the last agreed upon visit, if all goes well we'll be on our next adventure at that point. We are talking about a bit of travel before we head stateside - Argentina, Chile, Southeast Asia or South Africa (or maybe all) on our list before heading there.

There have been many talks lately about the fear of selling up, leaving himself with nothing in this very expensive city (hmmm... when I have heard this before? oh YES, it's when I did that for him!), just all the stuff that I've already gone through. I discussed with him my own reasoning - it's not a place he wants to live long term, whatever happens it will kick his butt in gear to do something rather than staying in one place and a place he doesn't really like at that. I said it's all about attitude. Opportunities being created and doors opening when another closes. I truly believe that, no matter how scary the jump is. You just have to do it.

The fact that we are now talking about selling the house makes me feel better, I realize. A small part of me wondered if he was willing to give as much as I did (not that it changes my feelings for him, I just wondered) and now I can see that he may well be. I want us to be free of these constraints and throw chance to wind and see where we end up. It's hard to do when one has something keeping you back. He keeps talking about lost money (by waiting another year, he'd surely make more on his house) and I keep saying I could've done the same. Homes in the Bay Area were increasing just as rapidly as here but at some point you just have to cut your losses (not even being losses but not another $10k I guess) and move on with your life. I want us to move on to ours together. Buy something together. You know the story.

It's all good though. I'll keep ya posted. More from my parents visit later. My parents met his, so you know that might have a story in it. LOL

Thursday, April 28, 2005

On the down low...

Eep! (As E would say)

We are looking into the process of the *K1 or '*fiance' visa. Although no official 'engagement' has been set or even asked, we have decided that there is a possibility we will have to do the deed so we can live in the same place. I know, I know.. it doesn't sound very romantic. and that's what HE said. I told him he can surprise me with the 'engagement' in 6 months or whatever but in the meantime, we need to get the paperwork going because it's a lengthy process.

We are not going to tell anyone else (Julie, that includes you, if you are reading this) at this point, for a variety of reasons. But I had to tell SOMEONE and I know y'all won't say anything to anyone I know. ;))

Sigh... In the meantime, we wait to see, if by some twist of fate, we won the green card lottery (i'm sure now that we decided to do this thing, we'll probably get it!). But it never hurts to have a backup plan. I've never won anything in my life. (Oh wait, except for those tickets to see Duran Duran in Mesa Amphitheater in 1991. Only 8 years after I wanted to see them!)


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

So much to say....

I'll start with a short post though and there may be a few different topics in a few different posts before I'm through. A lot happening here.

We put my parents on the plane today. I think they had a good time. We worked hard to try and make sure they did! M is great about this, he's always thinking about people and what they'd like - he's a great host.. much better than I. Of course, they are my parents so maybe I don't think about 'hosting' them since they don't really 'host' me when I'm home. I mean, they are family. It's different.

It'll be a little while before I get photos posted. I have to get my laptop up to speed, all the necessary software loaded and all My Favorites switched over. I'm missing a few blogs and some banking links, Photobucket, etc. I've tried to stay offline while my parents were visiting, although my dad took over one computer and M, the other, so I wouldn't have really had a chance anyway!

Last week was Scotland, we started in Edinburgh, which is stunning. I know you'll love it once I get the photos loaded. It's much prettier than Dublin - since it sits on a bay (the Firth of F0rth, that name makes me laugh!) and the hills climb out of the bay much steeper than Dublin climbs out of the bay. If that makes any sense. Anyhow, my dad drove the car for the week and it frightened the heck out of me. There were a few times I was almost in his lap as he drove off the road or moved away from the center line and towards a car in the next lane. On top of that, he couldn't seem to find the gears on the car and we would coast into a roundabout in front of traffic, while he was shifting frantically trying to a find a lower gear with some power to propel us forward. Frightening, I tell you. (Makes me wonder what he's doing to my car back home!)

We ended up spending the week touring Scotland instead of going to Wales. We drove north, the lovely part of Scotland, around Loch Ness and all the hundreds of other lochs and mountains and sheep up there. We saw a million sheep, more than Ireland, honked at the lambs and scared the crap out of them (my dad, sigh...), ate in cute pubs and small villages, drank pints and plenty of wine. It was a good time, regardless of the many times I felt frustrated with my dad (he was driving, I was map reading, you can imagine..). I was constantly torn between thinking what a great experience this was, spending so much quality time with my parents, and being frustrated with my dad. I know, I know... it's because we are so much alike... and i shutter to think so. LOL Well, SOME things I don't mind because he has a lot of great qualities while others.... not so great.

I love seeing M talking to him though - he doesn't have the attachment I have so he is able to dish it out exactly as my dad does. They flip each other shit constantly and it makes me laugh. M is sooo good at it. I really AM too sensitive, it hasn't changed in donkeys years although I AM getting better. I would love to think that some day I will be able to roll with it like M does. (is it possible? LOL)

But I digress... the trip to Scotland was lovely, I have some great B&Bs to suggest if you are ever going there. They aren't cheap but they are lovely. That's all for now. More later...

Friday, April 15, 2005

Just a quick note...

..whew! what a whirlwind this past week has been!

I got the job of driving while we went sightseeing around the west. My first full time driving on the tiny side roads of Ireland. I'm telling you, there were a number of times I was sucking in my breath as we passed a big truck, hoping somehow it would make our car skinnier and more able to fit in the narrow lane! I just had to look straight ahead and hope the side mirrors were still attached at the end of the day. LOL

We toured the Ring of Kerry (same trip I did with M in February), the Dingle Peninsula (far more amazing, in my opinion) and the Cliffs of Moher in 4 days. The weather somehow managed to stay decent so we were actually able to see the vistas and all. It's been nice. My parent's friends left on Thursday and tomorrow we head out to Scotland. We fly into Edinburgh, tour there, then Glascow and take a train to Cardiff, Wales to fly home to Dublin. That trip is one week.

It's so great having my folks here. Being able to show them around and play host to them.. They are always hosting us so it feels good to reciprocate! They seem to really love M and get along well with him.. He gives it back to my dad as good as he gets it! It's all good.

Just in case I don't get a chance to catch on everyone's blogs, just wanted to say Hi! Anonymous G, I hope things are going well for you, you are always getting positive health vibes from me. That goes for you too, R. cnfg, I hope things are improving in your situation! E, I know you are back with the boy now and therefore, content. :) And I promise all to post photos as soon as I get back in town! Ian, thanks for dropping in! Take care..

Thursday, April 07, 2005

My parents HAVE arrived...

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that I will be popping in and out for the next few weeks, probably without any warning. I'll be more likely reading what you all have to say, rather than writing how things are going with me. Hopefully I'll be able to comment but if not, I just want to say that I'll be thinking of you all and hoping that all is well (that includes you Anonymous G, since you don't have a blog).

So far, so good here. Parents think the house looks great. They love M. (how could they not?) And the weather, while not quite being summer, has had it's good moments and ugly ones. The fact that it's had good moments is promising! :)

Take care and I'll write soon. On my new laptop... from my new wireless position on the couch hopefully!!!! Hugs,

Monday, April 04, 2005

Happiness is....

..planting some seeds and watching them grow. I don't know if you'll be able to see this in the photo, but my little basil seeds are producing little buds! I feel like a proud mama! Here's their first little baby photo, sure to cover most of the screen:

Image hosted by

Only two more days til my parents arrive. I have truly decided if you ever are procrastinately about jobs that you don't really want to do, invite someone to visit. Preferably, someone who you want to prove that you've grown up and can take care of yourself. LOL In the past two weeks, we have:
1) painted hall, stairs, landing with 4 coats (2 primer, 2 color)
2) undercoated and glossed all the skirting board, doorframes and doors (about 7 doors, and 4 rooms total)
3) picked and installed carpet for stairs and landing, as well as our bedroom
4) organized and readied spare room for parents, including some painting, bed making, sheet washing, bed frame installing, and today, window washing
5) washed each and every window including an enclosed porch with all windows, front room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen window and sliding doors inside and out.
6) mowed lawn, pulled weeds, trimmed lawn, worked on stump removal of old plant but was unsuccessful
7) purchased new kitchen items - placemats, chair cushions, throw and pillows for futon, clock, silverware
8) stained kitchen chairs and table
9) planted indoor house plant into planters for decoration

gosh, i think that's it.
tomorrow we have to:
1) return two placemats and get smaller ones
2) gas up cars for ride to airport
3) buy food and wine
4) clean hardwood floors and kitchen floor
5) heavy duty bathroom cleaning

And then, we are going to sleep for a week! :)
Did I say I was looking forward to it? Because I am. :)

The P0pe

So of course this weekend full of many tv reports about the P0pe. Aside from his title, I wouldn't know a darn thing about him, nor would I have really cared. I mean, I'm sad he was sick.. he didn't look good for the past few months.. really didn't seem fair that he was able to continue to be P0pe when he really struggled to hold his head up or even wave to the crowd.

But it seemed to be a really HUGE thing for M. Over the past few days, he's been watching the broadcasts and talking about how sad it is, etc, etc. He was telling me about the time, when he was nine, and the P0pe came to Dublin. There is a huge park called Phoenix Park in town and he said that over one million people went to see him (there's only 4.5 million in the whole country) and he fondly remembers taking the bus into town, then everyone walking with their deck chairs to the park to listen. I can imagine it would be an incredible sight and something that a nine-year-old boy would remember.

Last night we went to dinner up north and along one of the roads, there was a small statue (I guess marking another Pap*l visit) and cars were parked along the road and people were walking to it and leaving flowers and other objects. It was really amazing the outpouring of support for him and I was a little surprised really. I know I shouldn't be... Catholic country and all.. I'm wondering if a similar thing is happening in the States, I'm sure it is somewhere. I just find it difficult because he didn't really have any sort of impact on my life so I can't conceive the idea of people shedding tears for him, etc. Sometimes I just feel like I'm a heartless b&*^& or something.

But I have to say, I've learned alot more about the whole Pap*l thing than I probably ever wanted to know. LOL I'll be interested in the new selection because M's interested in it. To be honest, we couldn't really get away from it if we tried because there must be 4 news channels with the stories and another 2 channels talking about his history and life.. :)